The Pursuit of the Instant and the Protracted
Does the length of the pursuit of a goal give price to the prize? Is it true that the longer you wait, the better the reward? “Delayed Gratification” looks into the nuances and articulations of the pursuit of pleasure, contentment and triumphs.
Time is a marker of value but value is subjective, dependent on the one appreciating it. For the vulnerable, the precarious and the insecure, time is of the essence. When tomorrow is an uncertainty, one finds pleasure in the immediate and whatever is there for the taking. But there are also things that one must wait for, to pace and calculate one’s actions and decisions.
What is more important then? Small achievements or ultimate victories? The process or the objective? The instant or the protracted?
Gratification is the experience of contentment when one realises a desire or an ambition. The works of Carlo Gernale, Frelan Gonzaga, Amer Mira and Tristram Miravalles, manifest means and ends. The exhibition delves into the particularities of the search for satisfaction and success of each artist. At the same time, it looks into the raw and processed experiences of the four Filipinos chasing private and public goals and the complex forms attaining them.
Gratification in their accounts rely not solely on time but the calibration of duration, process and intentions. For there are moments where the immediate is necessary and there are moments where patience is crucial. These pursuits are rendered more to answer the questions to whom we do the things we do and why we do them to account the length of time we choose to spend. In both cases, they are contingent on timing and other modalities and motives. In this exhibit, the complexities of what drives the artist gives meaning to their endavours and even the instant can seem to last a lifetime when confronted with obstacles.
Thus, gratification sometimes and for others can become delayed.
- JA
The Philippine Fable #1
Acrylic on canvas
183 x 213 cm (diptych)
The Philippine Fable #3
Acrylic on canvas
165 x 134 cm
The Philippine Fable #3
Acrylic on canvas
165 x 134 cm
“I am plagued by endless questions. The challenge of making critical decisions as a father and as a painter reigns on me every single day. In consequence, I tend to impart both realities and dreams; their difference and coexistence.”
Of Reality and Dreams:
Easy vs Right
Oil on canvas
183 x 121 cm
Of Reality and Dreams:
Coming to Terms With Now and Tomorrow
Oil on canvas
183 x 121 cm
Of Reality and Dreams:
Oil on canvas
183 x 244 cm
“For as long as there is life, death is real. The pursuit for gratification in an unpredictable state and time allows people to overcome their fears and follies. In certain ways, I find a constant need to be constructive with the negativities surrounding me. I would rather use the worst things in the world to create some positivity than let it consume me entirely.”
Passing Through Death Valley
Oil on canvas
183 x 244 cm
Passing Through Death Valley:
Fighting The Pressure #2
Oil on canvas
183 x 122 cm
Through Death Valley:
Fighting The Pressure #1
on canvas
183 x 122 cm
“As a child I was raised to believe in an ideal world but I soon found out the opposite. I translate this to my practice, creating images similar to photo negatives.”
The Rockstar Challenge
Oil on canvas
213.36 x 243.84 cm