Hukum Alam by Arikwibowo Amril

Hukum Alam is Arikwibowo Amril’s first solo exhibition. Through his affinity for charcoal, the artist examines his relationship with his choice medium through various experiments and investigates the position it holds in the ever expanding variety of mediums of contemporary art today. The culmination of six months of investigation undertaken by the artist, this exhibition presents Arikwibowo’s portraitures of famous figures as well characters from personal acquaintance which were meticulously executed on a variety of surfaces


Tiada Deria I Sentuh
Charcoal & water on canvas | 130.5 x 138 cm | 2018
RM5,000 | Sold

Deria Lihat
Charcoal & water on canvas | 130.5 x 138 cm | 2018
RM5,000 | Sold

Deria Dengar
Charcoal & water on canvas | 130.5 x 138 cm | 2018
RM5,000 | Sold

Deria Rasa
Charcoal & water on canvas | 130.5 x 138 cm | 2018
RM5,000 | Sold

Deria Hidu
Charcoal & water on canvas | 130.5 x 138 cm | 2018
RM5,000 | Sold

Charcoal & acrylic on canvas | 122 x 244 cm (Diptych) | 2018
RM8,500 | Sold

Charcoal & acrylic on cotton paper | 122 x 244 cm (Diptych) | 2018
RM8,500 | Sold

Charcoal & acrylic on linen | 153 x 244 cm (Diptych) | 2018
RM8,500 | Sold

Charcoal, collage paper & oil on canvas & linen | 148 x 560cm (triptych) | 2018
RM26,000 | Sold

Charcoal, glue & paper cut on paper with box frame | 63 x 94 cm | 2018

Charcoal, glue & paper with box frame | 63 x 94 cm | 2018

Charcoal & glue on paper with box frame | 126.5 x 95.5 cm | 2018

Pemutihan (Detail 1)

Pemutihan (Detail 2)

Pemutihan (Detail 3)

Pemutihan (Detail 4)

Pemutihan (Detail 5)

Pemutihan (Detail 6)

Pemutihan (Detail 7)


Solid Wood | 290 x 183 x 76 cm | 2018


Solid Wood | 92 x 153 x 62 cm | 2018
