HOM Art Trans would like to present our latest online
exhibition entitled “Wake Me Up When It’s All Over” by Issarezal Ismail. This
series comprises of works that depicts the artist’s experience during MCO 1.0
in March 2020. As the country enters MCO 3.0, this showcase is a clear reminder
of our ongoing battle against this virus that has plagued the entire world. We
hope that this movement control order will aid the country towards the right
direction of overcoming the pandemic.
Artist Statement
Karya-karya dari siri Wake Me Up When It's All Over diinpirasikan dari pengalaman peribadi yang telah terperangkap di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah selama 4 bulan kerana perpindahan ke Perak terhalang kerana wabak Covid-19. Di saat-saat akhir ketika perancangan mahu berangkat ke semenanjung semakin hampir, tiba-tiba tanpa diduga berlaku hal yang tidak dijangka sehingga memaksa saya untuk menyewa sebuah bilik kecil bersaiz 3 meter x 3 meter di atas rumah kedai untuk dijadikan tempat tinggal sementara kerana rumah kediaman sebelumnya sudah diserahkan kembali kepada pemiliknya.
Di dalam ruang yang kecil itu saya tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa. Beralaskan tikar getah dan yoga mat saya hanya mampu berbaring dan tidur untuk menghabiskan waktu keseharian sambil berharap keadaan akan kembali seperti biasa dan saya akan dapat berpindah segera. Ketika mengharungi situasi serba sulit itu, jujur saya lebih rela tidur dari terjaga kerana tidak banyak yang saya mampu lakukan. Hanya sesekali sahaja saya keluar dari bilik itu untuk berjalan di sekitar tebing sungai berdekatan untuk melepaskan lelah keseharian berbaring dan lenguh yang dirasakan di seluruh tubuh badan.
Pengalaman traumatik itu saya tuangkan ke dalam semua karya di dalam siri ini yang rata-rata memperlihatkan sosok tubuh lelaki yang sedang tidur sambil berselindung di dalam atau di bawah objek-objek keseharian. Objek-objek tersebut bersumber dari pengalaman, fikiran dan juga perasaan yang saya rasakan ketika itu. Visual itu pula digarap di atas permukaan kotak yang dapat menyimbolkan suatu perjalanan atau katakanlah perpindahan yang menjadi episod penting kehidupan saya ketika itu.
Wake Me Up When It’s All Over #1
Acrylic on Carton Box
36 x 36 cm
RM600 / Sold
Wake Me Up When It’s All Over #2
Acrylic on Carton Box
36 x 36 cm
RM600 / Sold
Wake Me Up When It’s All Over #3
Acrylic on Carton Box
36 x 36 cm
RM600 / Sold
Wake Me Up When It’s All Over #4
Acrylic on Carton Box
36 x 36 cm
RM600 / Sold
Wake Me Up When It’s All Over #5
Acrylic on Carton Box
36 x 36 cm
RM600 / Sold
Wake Me Up When It’s All Over #6
Acrylic on Carton Box
36 x 36 cm
RM600 / Sold
Wake Me Up When It’s All Over #7
Acrylic on Carton Box
36 x 36 cm
RM600 / Sold
Wake Me Up When It’s All Over #8
Acrylic on Carton Box
36 x 36 cm
RM600 / Sold
Wake Me Up When It’s All Over #9
Acrylic on Carton Box
36 x 36 cm
RM600 / Sold
Wake Me Up When It’s All Over #10
Acrylic on Carton Box
36 x 36 cm
RM600 / Sold
Acrylic on Carton Box
20 x 29 cm
RM600 / Sold
Acrylic on Carton Box
21 x 29 cm
RM600 / Sold
Sign of Civilization
Acrylic on Carton Box
21 x 29 cm
RM600 / Sold
Homage to the great blanket
Acrylic on Carton Box
20 x 28 cm
RM600 / Sold
Keluar Sempadan
Acrylic on Carton Box
48 x 48 cm
Artist Collection
Self-Portrait as a Teacher
Acrylic on Carton Box
48 x 48 cm
RM1,250 / Sold
Sehingga Tititsan Terakhir
Acrylic on Carton Box
91 x 91 cm
RM2,500 / Avalaible
Arrested Motion: Hang On
Acrylic on Carton Box
118 x 87 cm
RM2,500 / Avalaible

Keluar Masuk
Acrylic on Carton Box
96 x 48 cm
RM2,250 / Avalaible
Artist Profile

Issarezal Ismail (b.1978) was born in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan. Growing up in an environment close to the sea and mangrove swamps, instilled his love for nature from a very young age. His relationship with art grew stemmed from his observations of the interests of his elders, notably his grandfather who was a carpenter and traditional musician. His passion for art was further cultivated during his teenage years and further developed when he opted to take his Bachelor Degree in Fine Art at UiTM Perak in the year of 1996.
After completing his degree, Issa decided to become a lecturer at several colleges and universities around Malaysia. Currently, he is Senior Lecturer at the UiTM, Perak Branch in Seri Iskandar. Before relocating to Perak, he had previously resided in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah for almost 5 years where he completed his PhD.
His works are often inspired by life experiences that he has had in the environment in which he lives; either it is related to nature, humans or other socio-cultural phenomena. All of his ideas are usually wrapped in visual combinations that generally have a surreal effect that is contested by the reality itself.