In this recent series, masculinity is represented by the phallic shape of horns. In the animal kingdom, horns are used as both ornaments and weapons – beautiful yet deadly. Thus, a horn is a metaphor signifying strength, power and virility. Horns adorning headdresses, like battle helmets and kings’ crowns, also indicate status, supremacy, dignity, even divinity (in the case of kings).
When a man dies, his flesh and body organs decay, except for his bones and skull (for animal, its hooves and horns as well). Although images of skulls and horns remind us of the vanity of earthly existence and glory, their continuing presence can provoke us to think about behaving virtuously in our present life. It is simply because our actions when alive reverberate forever into the future, long after our physical death. Thus the Malay saying, “Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, gajah mati meninggalkan gading, manusia mati meninggalkan nama.” – A tiger dies leaving its stripes, an elephant dies leaving its tusk, a person dies leaving his/her name. - Nurhanim Khairuddin
2014 / Acrylic on canvas / 76 x 151 cm
2014 / Acrylic on canvas / 80 x 200 cm
Lembu Bertanduk Kambing
2014 / Acrylic on canvas / 82 x 173 cm
Ada Apa dengan Skull
2014 / Acrylic on canvas / 108 x 160 cm
2014 / Acrylic on canvas / 82 x 200 cm
2014 / Acrylic on canvas / 82 x 173 cm
2014 / Acrylic on canvas / 75 x 151 cm
Humanimal I
2013 / Charcoal & acrylic on canvas / 113 x 165 cm
Humanimal II
2013 / Charcoal & acrylic on canvas / 165 x 113 cm