Tiong Chai Heing
Plastic Bag/2008/134 x 80 cm/Oil on canvas
Untitled 1/2009/ 150 x 99 cm/Pastel & charcoal on paper
Plastic Bag/2008/134 x 80 cm/Oil on canvas
Untitled 1/2009/ 150 x 99 cm/Pastel & charcoal on paper
Taufiq Mohd
Street Fighting Man 2/2008/130 x 108 cm/
Acrylic, industrial paint, bitumen, charcoal & Graphite
Acrylic, industrial paint, bitumen, charcoal & Graphite
on canvas
Street Fighting Lullaby/2009/90 x 190 cm
Acrylic, industrial paint, resin, handmade paper, charcoal & Graphite
Street Fighting Lullaby/2009/90 x 190 cm
Acrylic, industrial paint, resin, handmade paper, charcoal & Graphite
Syukor Romat
Smashing Nova/2009/140 x 153 cm/Oil on canvas
Smashing Nova/2009/140 x 153 cm/Oil on canvas
The Blue Ray/2009/110 x 100 cm/Oil on canvas
Meet me by the cherry-red trees/2009/120 x 56cm/Acrylic on canvas
Manna from Heaven/2009/150 x 80cm/Acrylic on canvas
Manna from Heaven/2009/150 x 80cm/Acrylic on canvas
Meor Saifullah Lulaed
Captain America/2009/163 x 120 cm/Acrylic & collage on canvas
The Human Dog/2009/100 x 76 cm/Acrylic & collage on canvas

Captain America/2009/163 x 120 cm/Acrylic & collage on canvas
The Human Dog/2009/100 x 76 cm/Acrylic & collage on canvas

Jamil Zakaria
Hinggap/2009/122 x 100 x 18cm/ Mixed media
Mohd Firdaus Ismail
My Weird Place/2009/183 x 122 cm (2 panels)/Mixed media on canvas
My Weird Place/2009/183 x 122 cm (2 panels)/Mixed media on canvas