Dadi Setiyadi was born in 1977 in Bandung, Indonesia. He graduated with a B.A in Fine Art, Art Institute of Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta, majoring in Sculpture.
Since 1996 he had participated in more than 90 art group exhibitions such as Celebration (Galeri 7 Bintang, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 2009), Animal Kingdom (Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 2008), Kopi Kretek Kraton (Kebun Mimpi Gallery, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia; 2008), Global Warming Kunst-camer (GWK, Bali, Indonesia ;2007), Group Exhibition Art Fair (Beijing, China; 2006), Intersection Art Exhibition (California, US; 2006), Realis Banal (Gracia Gallery Surabaya, Indonesia; 2005), Indofood Art Awards, (National Museum, Jakarta, Indonesia; 2002), Nokia Arts Awards Asia Pacific 1999 (Singapore; 2000), Kartunisi Vredeburg Fortress Museum, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 1999) He was won Top five winners of Indonesia Nokia Arts Award Asia Pacific, Indonesia in 1999 and 2000, and finalist for Indonesia Indofood Art Awards and nominated for Biennelle International Drawing and Print, Taiwan. He was also awarded a scholarship by Koko International, Indonesia for two years.
Besides exhibition Dedi Satiyadi been involved with the community project together with other collective art group advocating on culture issues in Indonesia such as, We are what we eat (Yogyakarta Biennale, Menoreh Hill, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 2004) Katarupa, Indonesian Folklore on visual, Indonesia; 2005-2007).
In 2009, he was artist in residence at House Of MATAHATI, Kuala Lumpur and also at Rimbun Dahan, Selangor, Malaysia.

Opening Night