Mohd. Yusoff Osman was born in Endau, Johor in 1950 and raised in Bukit Gelugor, Penang. Actively involved in the art scene in the capital throughout the 70s and 80s, Yusoff was among the earliest pioneers and members of Anak Alam, a multi-disciplinary collective that had a great influence on the local art world.
Almost all of Yusoff’s paintings in this show carry a theme directly connected with nature. Yusoff, possibly due to his romantic spirit, meticulously observes nature and its phenomena, at both macro and micro distances, although perhaps without critical eyes. For Yusoff, nature is an indefatigable source of inspiration and ideas. To him, examining the elements of nature can help humans become aware of the actual reality of their life, and contemplating natural phenomena can inspire humans to understand the purpose of their existence here.
Without doubt, his paintings are poignantly imbued with the soul of a Nusantaran Malay.Yusoff delves beyond the outer layers of nature. He observes and captures nature and its phenomena with the intellect of a man who understands it as one of the core elements of human existence. Just like their role in and influence on Malay art and culture, including Malay literature, architecture, textile and technology, natural elements depicted by Yusoff, albeit in abstract and expressionist forms, can lead us to comprehend the importance of nature for the preservation of human life: nature as a source of our creative inspiration, a fountain of ideas for our technological innovation, or a foundation for our philosophical and metaphysical systems.
Yusoff Osman was among the earliest pioneers and members of Anak Alam,
a multi-disciplinary collective that had a great influence on the local art world.
a multi-disciplinary collective that had a great influence on the local art world.